Shakespeare in Love

Away. Be gone.
The sport is at the best.

Aye, so I fear.
The more is my unrest.

Come hither, nurse.
What is yon gentleman?

The son and heir
of old Tiberio.

[ Moans ]
Let it be night.

- What's he that follows here
that would not dance?
- I know not.

Go ask his name.
If he be married,
my grave is like to be my wedding bed.

- [ Both Panting ]
- No, do not go.

I must. I must.
- [ Ralph ] The only son
of your great enemy.
- [ Ned ] Terrible.

Simply... terrible!
[ Viola ] "But soft, what light
through yonder window breaks?

"It is the east,
"and Juliet is the sun.
"Arise, fair sun, and kill
the envious moon...

"who is already sick
and pale with grief...

that thou, her maid,
art far more fair than she."

- Oh, Will.
- Yes, some of it's speakable.

"It is my lady.
Oh, it is my love!

"Oh, that she knew she were!
"The brightness of her cheek
would shame those stars...

as daylight doth a lamp."
Her eyes in heaven would
through the airy region...

stream so bright...
that birds would sing
and think it were not night.

See how she leans her cheek
upon her hand.

Oh, that I were a glove
upon that hand,

that I might touch
that cheek.

- Ay, me.
- "Oh, Romeo.

"Wherefore art thou, Romeo?
- Deny thy father and--"
- Deny thy father and refuse thy name.

Or, if thou wilt not,
be but sworn my love,

and I'll no longer
be a Capulet.
