
How about it, Sergeant?
l was replaced.
By a better soldier, sir.
When we left Earth 12 years ago,
we never thought we'd end up here.

When we crashed, a lot of people died.
A few years later, when the dumpers
started coming and dropping stuff...

...people tried to get their attention
with fires and explosions.

But it didn't work.
They must be unmanned or...
...maybe they just don't care.
So, we had to forget about a better life
on the Trinity Moons.

One good thing though:
Nobody bothers us.
Who'd fight for a godforsaken place
like this?

...l guess you like the fighting.
You must.
...a soldier.
The biannual security sweep.
We'll be patrolling the Arcadia system.
We're going to set up
unmanned monitoring stations here...

:28:39, here, here.
Now, we send the new soldiers out
on patrol.

Routine stuff as you say, Captain,
but good experience and...

...l'll have a chance to see them
in a non-training environment.

You're coming?
Yes, Captain.
l want to observe these men at close hand.
Well, what about opposition?
