Suicide Kings

Avery, you know,
I met your father
two, three years ago
at a fund raiser.

Generous man.
He's got good instincts,
i bet, huh ?

Oh, you know.
He's a big fan
of anything deductible.

Well, me too.
I'd like to talk
to him sometime.

I got ventures
he might want
to capitalize on.

Really ?

Holy shit !
you're carlo bartolucci.
How are ya, man ?

What's he doin'
at our table ?
It'shistable, actually.

No, it's not
my table.
I just borrow it.

I didn't know
it was your table.
I'm sorry, sir.

I'm Brett cambell.
How are you,
mr. Bartolucci ?

He doesn't like
to be called
mr. Bartolucci.

No, it's okay.
Charlie. Charlie.

It's charles barret now.

Okay. Whatever
you want to be called,

Maybe this isn't
such a great idea.

Avery, come on.
We're a little past
the idea stage, man.

And every minute we wait,
you know what happens ?

Look, i know you guys
are here for me,
and i appreciate that, but--

What we're
about to do, it's--
[ Brett ]
Fuckin' call it off, man.

It's cold. We're freezing our
asses off. Let's get
out of here and get loaded.

- It's up to you, man.
- Okay, okay.
Yeah, you're right.

You in ?
Let's do it.
[ Electronic beeping ]

- All right. Good. Finally.
- Shit.

You got your cell phone ?
Now ? You wanna
make a call now ?

Yeah, it'll only take a minute.
No, no, no.
You can't make a call now.

I'm sorry. I told chickie
i'd pick her up
after dance class.

I can't believe this chick's
got you on a pager.
You are so fuckin' whipped !

-[ Avery ] Let's do this.
- I'm ready here.
I'm waitin' for you guys.

We should go.
Oh, Jesus Christ. We don't want
to keep your old man hangin'.

[ Charlie ]
Where's the fire ?
You got a hot date ?

No, no.
It's my father.

He wants us to meet him
for dinner at peter luger's.

He hates anyone to keep
him waiting, so--

I grew up there
my whole life.
You got a pen ?

[ Max ]
I got five--
five shortcuts.

I'll show you.
Take 59th street--

Guys, take a look at
who our patient is.

A fuckin'
capo-de-capo, okay ?
[ Max ]
Yeah ?

Yeah, well, i'm just sayin'.
He didn't get that job
by kissin' ass, you know ?
