The Big Lebowski

# Take a woman like you #
# To get through #
# To the man in me #
# The storm clouds
are raging #

# All around my door #
# I think to myself #
# I might not
take it anymore #

# Take a woman
like your kind #

# To find the man in me #
# But, oh #
# What a wonderful feeling #
# Just to know
that you are near #

# That sets
my heart a-reelin' #

# From my toes #
# Up to my ears #
# The man in me
will hide sometimes #

# To keep from being seen #
# But that's just because #
# He doesn't want to
turn into some machine #

# Take a woman like you #
# To get through #
# To the man in me #
I'm throwing
rocks tonight.

Mark it, Dude.
This was a valued rug.
This was a...
Yeah, man, it really
tied the room together.

So this was
a valued

What tied the room
together, Dude?

My rug.
Were you listening to
The Dude's story, Donny?

Were you listening
to The Dude's story?

I was bowling.
So you have no frame
of reference here, Donny.

You're like a child
who wanders in
in the middle of a movie

Walter, what's
the point, man?

There's no reason--
here's my point, Dude

There's no fucking reason--
Yeah, Walter,
what's your point?

Walter, what
is the point--

Look, we all know
who is at fault here.

What the fuck are
you talking about?
