The Big Lebowski

and also article 27
of the league

Dude, I..finally got..
I got the,

the venue I wanted.
I'm performing
my dance quintet,

you know, my cycle,
at Crane Jackson's
fountain street theater

on Tuesday night,
and, well, I’d
love it if you came

and gave me notes.
I'll be there, man.
already the 10th.

Far out.
Oh. all right, ok.
Just, just slip
the rent under my door.

...serious infraction
and examine your standing.
Thank you.

Mr. Lebowski,
Brandt again.

Please do call us as
soon as you get in,

and I'll
send a limo.

I hope you're not
avoiding this call

because of the rug..
Which, I assure you,
is not a problem.

We need your help,
and ...

Well, we'd very much
like to see you.

Thank you.
it's Brandt.

We've had some
terrible news.

Mr. Lebowski's in seclusion
in the west wing.

I can look back
on a life of achievement,

challenges met,
competitors bested,
obstacles overcome.
I've accomplished more
than most men

and without the use
of my legs.

What makes a man,
Mr. Lebowski?

don't know, sir.

Is it being prepared
to do the right thing?
