The Big Lebowski

20 grand, man.
And, of course, I still
get to keep the rug.

Just for making
the hand-off?

Yeah. They gave,
Dude a beeper.

Now, so whenever
these guys call

What if it's
during a game?

Oh, I told them if it
was during league play...

What's during
league play?

Life does not
stop and start

at your convenience,
you miserable
piece of shit.

I figure...
What's wrong
with Walter, Dude?

I figure
it's easy money.

It's all
pretty harmless.

She probably
kidnapped herself.

What do you mean, Dude?
Rug pee-ers
did not do this.

Look at it.
A young trophy wife
marries this guy
for his money.

She figures he isn't
giving her enough.

You know, she owes money
all over town.

That fuckin'...

It's all goddamn
fake, man.

It's like Lenin said.
You look for the person
who will benefit,

you know...

I am the walrus?
You know,
you'll ...

You know what
I'm trying to say.

I am the walrus.
That fuckin' bitch!
I am the walrus.
Shut the fuck up,

V.I. Lenin. Vladimir
Ilyich Ulyanov!

What the fuck
is he talking about?

Fucking exactly
what happened.

That makes me
fucking sick.

What do you care,

Those rich fucks.
This whole
fuckin' thing.

I did not watch
my buddies die

facedown in the mud
so that this
fucking strumpet,

This fucking whore
I don't see any connection
to Vietnam, man.

Well, there's
a literal connection.

No, Walter, face it,
there isn't any connection.

Your roll.
Have it your way,
but my point is

Your roll.
Your roll.
My point is

Are you ready
to be fucked, man?

I see you roll your way
into the semis.

Dios mio, man.
Liam and me, we're
gonna fuck you up.

:27:41 know,
that's just like ...

Your opinion, man.
Let me tell you
something, pendejo,

you pull any
crazy shit with us,

you flash a piece out
on the lanes,

I'll take it away from you
and stick it up your ass

and pull
The fuckin' trigger

till it goes click.
