The Big Lebowski

Yeah, you know,
me and the driver.

I'm not handling the money,
driving the car,

and talking on the phone
all by my

Shut the fuck up!
Dude, are you
fuckin' this up?

Who is that?
That is the driver.
I told you
What the fuck's
goin' on?

Walter! What the fuck
is goin' on?

He hung up, man!
You fucked it up!
Her life was
in our hands, man.

Easy, Dude.
We're screwed now.
We don't get shit.

They're gonna kill her.
We're fucked, Walter.
Nothing is fucked,

Come on, you're
being very un-Dude.

They'll call back.
she kidnapped

You see? Nothing's
fucked here, Dude.

Nothing is fucked.
They're a bunch of
fuckin' amateurs!

Hey, Walter, will you
just shut the fuck up?

Don't say peep while I'm
doin' business here, man.

Ok, Dude,
have it your way.

But they're amateurs.
Ok, we proceed.
But only if there's
no funny stuff.

So no funny stuff, ok?
Just tell me where the fuck
you want us to go.

That was the sign, man.
So all we gotta do
is get her back,

No one's in a position
to complain,

And we keep
the baksheesh.

Yeah, terrific, Walter,
but you haven't told me how
we're gonna get her back.

Where is she?
That's the simple part,

We make the hand-off,
I grab one of 'em,
beat it out of him.

Yeah. That's
a great plan.

Walter, that's
fucking ingenious,

If I understand it

It's a Swiss
fuckin' watch.

That's right, Dude.
The beauty of this
is its simplicity.

Once a plan
gets too complex,

can go wrong.

If there's one thing I
learned in 'nam, it's

You're coming
to a wooden bridge.
