The Faculty

[ Stokely ] Furlong must have sent it
up to the university.

- Doubtful.
- Where else could it be?

- [ Sighs ]
- What? What is it?

Will someone please tell me
what the hell's going on here?

It all started yesterday when
I found this thing, this new species.

Which is now missing.
We think aliens are
taking over our school.

[ Laughing ]
Right. Come on.

You saw what Brummel
did in the shower.

[ Delilah ] I saw her dead body
in the closet.

They've been calling students
into the office. The students
with the most influence on down,

including the new team captain.
Looks like you picked
the right week to quit football.

You think aliens have
infested our school?

That would explain their weird
behaviour, wouldn't it?

Give me a fucking break.
So, what are we
doing in here?

- I've got a very large grocery list.
- What are you talking about?

This is where
I get my equipment.

You borrow it
from science labs?

I like to think of it
as stealing, actually.

- [ Giggles ]
- Just doing my part to
the deconstruction of America.

So if anybody
finds us in here,

just grab ahold of me and pretend
we're making out.

The punishment
will be less severe.

# I don't need
an education #

# I learned all I need
from you #

# They've got me
on some medication ##

- [ Stan ] Aliens?
- [ Casey ] Do you have
a better explanation, Stan?

[ Stan ] Great. Just listen
to yourselves. Our teachers are aliens?

- Shh.
- [ Stan ] That's not weird,
that's fucking psychotic.
