The Negotiator

I want to do something without arguing.
Let's get on the road.

Your clothes look fine.
They do.
According to some people,
I look fat in ski clothes.

That's not the word she used.
She used. . .

. . .a much worse word.
Honey, get off the phone!
Get off the phone.
Get off the phone.
I'm your father and I'm
very upset with you!

Try your sweater.
Get off the phone.
I want you to apologize to your
mother for saying she looks. . .

. . . ''wide. ''
That's not a good word.
How'd you like to be called wide?

Do you hear me? I'm serious!
I'm very angry with you!

Get off the phone!
Get off the phone.

Don't you make me--
I've talked a man out of
blowing up a building. . .

. . .but I can't talk my wife out
of a bedroom or my kid off a phone.

Because no one's standing
behind you with a big gun.

Well, that's debatable.
Hold on.
He's right here.
It's for you.
Sabian's 20 minutes out.
And we only got 15.
Call Danny and change
that deadline.

Tell him Sabian's on his way.
It's Farley.
I don't want to talk
to anyone but Chris Sabian.

He'll be here real soon.
We just need more time.

You don't have more time, Farley.
What are you doing?
This is serious.
