The Negotiator

Move real slow.
This ain't about me or you. . .

. . .but I'll take you out
just the same.

He's in.
We got to play it out now.

Unit 1 , hold position.
Lock it.
Nice breeze.
Great day to be out.
Not cold. Cool, kind of brisk.
Too bad we got stuck in here.
You've seen everything, there's
no surprise. Let's do this.

I got to look in those rooms there.
Make sure nobody's there.

All right, move.
Football, huh?
Perfect day for it.
I ain't missed a Bears home game. . .
. . .since I left the Corps.
Oh, yeah? You were in?
Yeah. I did a tour in '73.
Semper fi, motherfucker.
I did 2 tours.

'68 and '69.
Well, hoo-fucking-rah, Omar.
Not many Marines these days.
Everybody joins the Navy.

Got a visual on the suspect.
See? Nothing here, Lieutenant,
so now we make the trade.

Stay cool.
We got a one count.
Like I told you,
I got to check out everything.

A Marine and a sailor
are taking a piss.

The Marine goes to leave
without washing up.

Sailor says:
''ln the Navy, they teach us
to wash our hands. ''

The Marine turns to him, says:
