The Negotiator

You saved the day again.
It was a team effort.
Ijust talked the guy out.

Did he say anything?
He just wanted
to hog the spotlight!

I came close to busting your ass
because of what you pulled.

But because it'll never
happen again, I'll let it go.

All right, he's all talk.
Off the record,
that was one hell of a gutsy job.

Again! Congratulations.
Thanks, Chief.
Congratulations to you.

Were you really in the Marines?
No, I was in the Army and
I fucking hate dogs.

Despite how things worked out,
you put these guys in jeopardy.

lf you were taken hostage,
you would've fucked up everything.

Everybody lived, Beck.
Even you.
20,000 cops in Chicago.
Can't you take turns?

I was going to let Nate go in. . .
. . .but I knew Linda
would be pissed.

Nate's smarter than that.
I'm too smart
for my own good sometimes.

We got to talk.
It's important.

Just be a minute,
I promise.

Go tell your secrets.
I was approached
by someone recently.

He knows who took money
from the disability fund.

-Almost 2 million is missing.
-I know.

According to him, we know
the guys who took it. Cops.

Guys we might call our friends. . .
. . .stealing our own money.
I would've told you sooner,
but this is my first chance.

Who told you this?
