The Negotiator

He's obviously gone over the edge.
This is not personal.
lf I thought sending my team in
would put more people in jeopardy. . .

. . .I wouldn't consider it.
I don't want to go in there.
But it's our best option.

He can't be talked down.
They'll get us out. Don't worry.
Danny won't hurt anybody.

No one knows what this
crazy fucker is going to do.

This has nothing to do
with me and Maggie.

You get him to let us go.
Once you familiarize yourself
with the chains of bondage. . .

. . .you prepare your own
limbs to wear them.

Abraham Lincoln said it.
I believe it.

So you've got to get me
the fuck out! Now!

Keep quiet, Rudy.
We'll handle this.

Don't tell me to be quiet.
Don't say you'll handle it.

None of you ever been
in a situation like this before.

Shut the fuck up.
Fuck you!
-That's enough!

He'll hear you.
He's got the gun, so he's in charge.

Both of you pipe down.
Let Maggie go. She's not involved.
And she's a woman--

I didn't ask to be let go because
I'm a woman. I hate that crap.

Me and him had nothing
to do with this.

It's between cops.
We have nothing to do with this.
I'm not some dirt merchant
loose in the street anymore.

I got a nice lady friend
that I'd like to get back to.

And she has got this kid, Albert.
Super kid, Dan.
Great kid.
What do you think you can do?
Look at that screen.
They think you're a killer.
They'll try to take you out.
What do you think Sabian can do?
He can't stop this.

What about you, Frosty?
