The Negotiator

Not since both our teams
showed up for that north side gig.

You pulled rank and ran my boys out.
Two negotiators on the same site. . .
...never work.
What's this?
The exception that disproves the rule?

You do your job, I do mine. . .
. . .maybe we both walk out in one piece.
Here's the million-dollar question:
Why you?
I don't want to go into that now.
We'll talk about that later.
This is our first date.
The courting period.

What do you do when you're
not talking guys like me down?

I'm a homebody. I spend a lot
of time with my family.

My kid.
I read a lot of books.
I watch a lot of old movies. AMC.
You got a satellite?
They show old westerns.

I like comedies.
I did like Shane though.
That's a good one.

Shane 's a good one.
l'd have picked one where
the hero lives at the end.

Like Rio Bravo...
. . .or Red River.
That's the wrong movie.
Shane lives. At the end he's
riding off and that kid. . . .

-de Wilde.

Brandon's calling his name:
''Shane, come back! Shane! ''

I'm sorry to tell you this,
but Shane died.

That's an assumption.
It's a common mistake.
ln the final shot,
he slumps over his horse.

He doesn't look back
because he's dead.

He's shot.
Doesn 't mean he's dead.

You think Butch and Sundance live too?
You never see them dead,
but they're surrounded.

Now you're a history buff?
I read histories and biographies.
Don't believe everything you read.
I don't read just one book.
I try to read all the books
on a subject. Get the facts.
