The Rugrats Movie

I’ll never be able to hear it
with that new baby squawking.

dad's got to work overtime, so mummy
won't be so ashamed of his earnings.

Hi, Uncle Stu, sorry to hear
your pony is so slow.

what pony?
you told mummy
Aunt Didi got saddled with a loser.

- l ...
- Excuse me.

my tax deductions are crying.
you can't deduct them
if you don't have any income!

Boys, what are you doing?
Dill, what say we give Tommy
a little turn with the bear?

or not.
Hey, champ,
come with me a minute.

I've got something to show you
that's better than a teddy bear.

we weren't going to give you this
till you were older, -

- but l think now is the right time.
Grandpa put your picture inside.
l know it's hard, Tommy.

you have a little brother now,
and that's a big change.

They can be pretty tough
to get along with.

They aren't always
what you hoped they'd be.

That's why big brothers
have to have faith. y you’ll see.

He'll change.
After all, you’ve got
responsibility now.

l know you'll stick by Dill's side
and be a swell big brother.
