The Rugrats Movie

l saw a wolf make prints like that
in a storybook, then he ate a girl.

- The wolf ate a girl?
- They got her out ...

l don't think it's a wolf.
lf it was, we'd hear him say ...

- That was pretty good.
- l didn't do anything.

- do you see the wolf?
- what does he look like?

- Big teeth and furl And teeth!
- No, Dill.

Bad, Dill. No.
l am Reptar!
Margaret, I’m sure you’ve run afoul
of many a scary pedestrian.

But out here
we have what you might call ...

... actual danger.
Grizzlies that will rip the top off
your car. Bobcats, wolies ...

And dragons?
- l saw some grown-ups. Stop!
- l don't know how.

l hope you figure it out because
l didn't bring my bathing suit.

Any further and l would
have needed a fresh diapie.

Dill, no!
