The Siege

You want to lose
little or lose big?

I got the marksmen
on the com.

They're waiting
for a clean shot.

Let me have the phone.
Hello, Larry.
This is Agent Hubbard,

I'm gonna be negotiating
our way out of this.

Yes, we got somebody
here who can translate,

but you gotta remain calm.
All right.
Put them on the phone.

Hello, sir.
My name is Anthony.
I want you to know right from
the start I'm not the boss.

I don't have the authority
to negotiate any deals

or to respond to any demands.
You need anything in there?
Any medical supplies?

Anybody need any help?
I don't even know
if they understand.

Look, I know you may not
want to talk to me,

but are you willing
to listen to me?

Whatever grievances you have,
whatever quarrels,

surely it doesn't involve
these children.

I'm asking you, please,
would you please
let the children go?

Thank you.
Thank you very much.
I appreciate your gesture.
The best way
to get what you want
