The Thin Red Line

I just can't help
how damn scared I am, sarge, all right?

I can't help it. I got...
My stepdaddy took a block
and beat me when I was real little

and I was scared
and I used to run, I used to hide.

Hell, I slept in the chicken coop
a whole lot of nights.

And I never thought
it'd get no worse than that.

But I'm living by the... by the minute here.
I'm counting the seconds.

Hell, we're gonna be landing soon
and there's gonna be air raids.

We're probably gonna die
before we get offthe beach.

This place is...
It's like a big floating graveyard.

- What's your name, kid?
- I wanna own an automobile when I get out.

- What's your name?
- Edward, Edward B Train.

The only things that are permanent
is, is dying and the Lord. That's it.

That's all you gotta worry about. This war
ain't... gonna be the end of me or you neither.

- Think we'll catch an air raid?
- How in the hell should I know?

All's I know are them crew guys said
they didn't catch no air raid the last time.

On the other hand,
time before last they nearly got blew up.

What d'you want me to tell you?
You're a big help, Tills.
Nothing. Tell me nothing.

Tell you something.
We're sitting out here on this ocean
like a couple offuckin' ducks in these boats.

I already know that.
Well, brood on it, Tills.
Brood on it.
- Ain't you watching the fun?
- I ain't interested.

- Yeah, I guess it is pretty crowded.
- Wouldn't be interested, even if it wasn't.

Well, I'm on my way to get me that pistol.
Yeah? Well, have fun.
Yeah, have fun.
You'll wish you had one once we get ashore
and run into some ofthem samurai sabres.
