The Thin Red Line

Open this door! Open this goddamn door!
Open the door!
You all learn to deal these cards...
All right. Here I am sleeping, yeah.
All right, ladies.
Is this a sewing circle or a card game?

All right, jack's high, jack to bet.
Robert's got two jacks.

I never bargained for nothing like this when I
signed up for this man's army before the war.

How was I supposed to know there was
gonna be a fuckin' war, huh? Answer me that.

All I know is Charlie Company's
always getting screwed. Always.

And I can tell you whose fault it is, too.
It's that captain of ours.
First he gets us stuck off on this boat
where we don't know a fucking soul.

Then he gets us stuck way down in fourth
place on the list to get offthis son of a bitch.

Hello, Captain.
I read in your 201 file
that you were an officer before the war.
