The Waterboy

""You're gonna be faced with
a difficult decision today.""

But the thing is-is-is, we're all faced
with difficult decisions every day.

- That's like sayin'
you're gonna eat today.
- Yeah, m-maybe...

by leaving her predictions
vague and generalized,

there's less of a chance of someone
findin' out she's a phoney.

Whatever, college boy.
-Don't say college boy. Here comes Mama.
-0h, okay.

That looks nice, Mama.
[ Sighing ]
- Mmm, here you go, Vicki Vallencourt.
- Thank you.

Mama, Vicki's
an astrologist.

l don't believe in that sort
of thing, personally.

Astronomy is one
of the many tools of the devil.

You sure played great
yesterday, Bobby.

- What did my boy play great ?
- Uh, um--

Waterboy. Yeah, waterboy.
He played-- He played waterboy great.

Everybody who was thirsty
got a drink right away...

yesterday at the--
at the football game.

Fool's ball ! Bunch of overgrown
monsters manhandling each other.

Remember when that man wanted you
to play fool's ball, Bobby ?

Yeah, l-- He--
Roy 0rbison--

Coach Klein.
l-l-l remember.

So, Bobby, did they ever catch
that gorilla...

what escaped from the zoo
and punched you in the eye ?

No, Mama, he--
The-The search continues.

What would you think if Bobby
did play football, Mrs Boucher ?

Well, l wouldn't
think much of it at all.

And to tell you the truth,
l don't think much of you...

and all your snotty questions,
Miss Vallencourt.

l'm quite disturbed to see
that you're so interested in my boy.

l'm very, very interested
in your boy, Mrs Boucher.

- Really ?
- Mm.

Well, did he tell you
about how much his feet smell ?

- Mama.
- He has to wear two pair of socks.

Well, men are supposed
to have stinky feet.

Well, are men
supposed to wear pyjamas...

featuring a cartoon character
by the name of Deputy Dog ?

- Mama, please.
- Well, you know what ?

l happen to find
Deputy Dog to be...

very, very sexy.
