The Waterboy

earned a New Year's Day date with Red
Beaulieu and the Louisiana Cougars...

in the first annual
Bourbon Bowl.

But not only has the waterboy
changed S.C.L.S.U.'s fortunes,

he's got other teams looking
around the sidelines for talent.

ln fact, yesterday, Michigan,
devastated by injury,

experimented with their towel boy
at wide receiver.

- [ Groaning ]
- But the towel boy ran into
a laundry list of problems.

[ Cheering ]
You know, when l see
so many of you here tonight,

it reminds me just about how special
this season really was.

Not just for the team.
Not just for the students.
But for each and every
one of you...

in our small corner
of Louisiana !

- [ Cheering ]
- You can do it !

0h, yes, we can,
and, yes, we will.

Because we've got...
a young man who has been
so vital to our success.

A wonderful student-athlete.
And a wonderful friend.
Ladies and gentlemen,
Bobby Boucher !

-- [ Band ]
- [ Together ] Waterboy, number one !
- You can do it !

Thank you so much...
for bein' my friends.
- [ Crowd Cheering ]
- You can do it !

l'd also like to take
this opportunity...

to tell you that my mama
don't know how l play football,

so if-if you could not tell
my mama l-l play football,
that would be for the best.

[ Cheering ]
