The Wedding Singer

You all through?
Going to wait a few years
before you drink again?

All right, remember,
alcohol equals puke...

equals smelly mess
equals nobody likes you.

I got it from here.
Know what? You go this way,
and you go this way.

It's for the best.
It's all right. Take it easy.

See you later.
Sleep it off, pal.

Hey, you know,
wedding singer?

Are you drinking, too?
No. It's Coca-cola.
Are you sure? There's
no rum in that Coca-cola?

I'm not a big drinker...
and if it was, I'd be puking
more than that kid.

I don't think anybody could
puke more than that kid.

I think I saw a boot come out.
You're the wedding singer.
How you doing? I'm Robbie.
I'm Julia.
I'm actually waitressing
at your wedding next week.

Cool. That's a beautiful ring
you have there.

Are you getting married, too?
Actually, I don't know
how serious the guy is...

who gave this to me.
I feel like I'm doomed to wander
the planet alone forever.

Like the Incredible Hulk?
I'm not helping people.

That's not true,
because I saw you inside.

You were helping people.
You were giving them
fish and coffee and forks.

People can't eat without forks.
And they can't
drink without a fish.

That's right.
What does that mean?

I don't know.
You lost me back at the Hulk.
