The Wedding Singer

Did she say why?
I am so sorry, honey.
It's OK.
You want me to say something?
Just give me a second.
I'll be right back.

Oh, my God,
she's not showing up.

Don't worry.
Everything's gonna be all right.

It's OK.
Oh, God!
You can't catch me!
I'm going to get you
and chop you up!

Can we turn this crap off,

That's right, Robbie.
You have to let it out.

- Let what out?
- Your feelings.

About what that lousy bitch
did to you today.

Don't call her that...
because we're going
to get back together...

and then there will be weirdness
between you and me...

so just watch it.
I made this for you,
Uncle Robbie.

Thanks, Freddy Krueger.
That's not nice.
Very creative, though.
Go back to the boiler room.
I just wish I knew
where she was, you know?

He's taking it pretty bad.
He's acting like a real robot...
