
[ Moaning ]
[ Sighing ]
That was one.
Don't worry.
I'm multiorgasmic.

[ Sighing ]
"[ Casey's Voice ] Got it", "honey?"
"[ Christine ] Yeah", "hold on."

- Wait, wait, wait.
- Okay, it's flashing.

Okay, here we go. Here we go!
Whoo! Okay, here we go! Whoo!

[ Both Panting ]
I love you.

- I love you, too.
- "[ Beeping ]"

[ "Shutter Clicking" ]
[ Panting, Moaning ]
Number two.
Great self-control.
[ Panting ]
[ "Gunshot" ]
[ "Shell Casing Clatters" ]
."/`./` [ ''Twinkle", "Twinkle",
Little Star'']

Goddamn, did you see the way
that bitch head explode? Shit!

Ordinarily, it would be a damn shame
to shoot a piece of ass like that.

you know what I mean?
but in her case,
I'll make an exception.

I always hated that bitch.
My name's Billy Hill.

My friend's call me ''Hillbilly. ''
You can call me Mr. Hill.

I hope I didn't interrupt
anything too romantic for you,

but that whore
could go all day long.

Besides, I was getting tired
sitting down in the cab of my truck.

She lost me on the freeway.
Let me give you
a little piece of friendly advice.

I know you're retired. You got
this family thing going here.

But you really ought to have
your name and number unlisted.
