
JACK: Bet you've been sleeping
together since I've been sick.

One night.
If you had an ounce
of decency in you...

you'd have left this house
by now.

Catherine know
you're being blackmailed?

There's precious little
that Catherine doesn't know.

What she doesn't know,
she suspects.

I'm the one that never suspects.

HARRY: I delivered the envelope
to Gloria last night.

HARRY: I delivered the envelope
to Gloria last night.

She's lovely.
You ought to meet her.
JACK: Good.
So it's over.
It is over, right?
I kept the money.
She's got the restaurant section
of the phone book.

Why? Why didn't you just do
what I asked you to do?

HARRY: Because the first time
I did what you asked me to...

somebody em ptied
a nine-m illimeter automatic...

in my direction.
And the second time, Gloria...
She brought along a pal.
Jeff. Remem ber him? Mexico?
The guy that ran off with Mel.
You had him thrown in jail
in Yuma.

He sandbagged me.
He left you a message.
He said that was
just a down payment.

Been a busy little beaver,
haven't you?

Playing detective.
Fucking my wife.
What really happened
to Billy Sullivan, Jack?

Oh, Jesus Christ.
You're fired, Harry.

Now I'm curious.
How are you gonna fire
somebody you never paid?

I'll find a way.
