Under solen

Well, the house is clean at least.
Anything else?
No, I just wanted you
to have a look.

He's looking in the mirrow
for the first time in a long while

You can use the kitchen floor
as a mirror.

You can use everything in there
as a mirror.

She's certainly
a very good cleaner.

Olof must be pleased!
He's on another planet!
All of a sudden
it's her making all the decisions.

She decides what's needed.
She deals with all the bills,
except mine.

She actually owes me money!
Someone owes you?
It's usually the other way round.
Have you finished? Can I go on?
She knows exactly
how much milk each cow yields

and how many apples there
are on each tree.

She probably knows
when the hens lay.

That's good.
She's taken over!
And Olof's swallowing it hook,
line and sinker!

You seem worried?
That's putting it mildly.
You know Olof as well as I do.
He doesn't stand a chance.
And it's not about whether
the bloody floors are clean or not

It's about
what's going on up here!
