Wild Things

Whoa, man !
It's me.
Sorry, man. Things have been
gettin' weird around here.

I can see that.
Come on in.
You're sure this Frankie Condo guy
is the guy who did this to you?

It was him, all right.
He was driving
Sandra's Range Rover.

You tell that to the cops, we can
go atter Sandra Van Ryan right now.

Forget it.
The lady has deep pockets.
I know how deep
her pockets are.

I thought I might be able to
save my house. Some sort of equity loan.

Guess who's on the bank's
board ot directors?

I don't need any more trouble
from this woman.

You think making some sort
ot statement is gonna stop her?

With the shit I got on Kelly?

A year ago...
when her old man
blew his brains out...

Kelly lost it, ran away.
They tound her in some tleabag motel
coked out ot her gourd.

you, Sam, are voted
Educator ot the Year...

or some crap.
They put the two ot you
in tront ot a jury...

they're gonna look stupid.
They know it.
Why haven't they taken
your statement yet?

'Cause they're busy
looking tor dirt...

they're not gonna tind.
Ken, I don't tuck my students.
