Wild Things

The Lombardo case
has galvanised this upscale town.

Here's Sandra Van Ryan, millionaire
heiress from the Blue Bay elite.

And the girl from skid row.
The jury must choose between these
girls' stories, and Sam Lombardo's.

Live at the courthouse,
Nancy Duerr, Eyewitness News.

State of Florida vs. Sam Lombardo.
Sylvia B. Waxman presiding.

All rise.
Please be seated.
Would you like more time, Kelly?
I know this is hard, Kelly,
but I have one more question.

And even though we've been over it,
I want us all to be clear about it.

Kelly, when you saw Mr. Lombardo
intended to have sex with you...

... what were your exact words?
What did you say?
