An Ideal Husband

- Your usual, my lord.
- Mmm?

Good morning, my lord.
The morning paper, my lord.
"Sir Robert Chiltern,
a rising star in Parliament,...

.. tonight hosts a party that promises to be
the highlight of the social calendar...

.. with his wife, Lady Gertrude,...
.. who is herself a leading figure
in women's politics. "

"Together this couple...
.. represents what is best
in English public life...

.. and is a noble contrast
to the lax morality...

.. so common
amongst foreign politicians. "

Dear oh dear. They will never say
that about me, will they, Phipps?

I sincerely hope not, sir.
Bit of a busy day today, I'm afraid.
Distressingly little time
for sloth or idleness.

- Sorry to hear it, sir.
- Not entirely your fault, Phipps.

Not this time.
Thank you, my lord.
