Any Given Sunday

Don't believe what your mom says.
You evil motherfucker!
Come over here.

Shark's film.
I know what you did, asshole!
You switched the results
so Powers wouldn't pick up on it.

Princess, I'll call you right back.
Granted, it could look that way
to a layperson.

I want you out of here!
You're taking the high road?
You didn't consult with him!
He could get killed out there!

You didn't consult with him?!
I'm gonna consult with a player?
I knew his answer!

Getting killed? Maybe, maybe not.
One chance in 1000.

But nobody blitzes
like the Shark, right?

I never wanna see you near
one of my players again!

They couldn't take a piss
in the morning without their pills!

You're gonna play innocent?
Fuck your innocence!

What about Beyer?
Or Nielstrom and Manzicki?

Logan and Krause?
I will not have this discussion
with you!

You don't wanna hear the answer?
Don't ask the question!

And you, you fucking snitch.
Did you ever think about Shark
putting food on the table?

You lied to him.
You didn't give him a choice.
-It's a doctor's ethics.
-Since when?

The Hippocratic oath, that's when.
The one that starts, "Do no harm"?
With all due respect, I didn't
have to ask because I knew the answer.

Who am I to tell these men
they cannot live their dream?

They will not live with shame like you.
They are gladiators.
They are warriors!

And long ago, they made that choice.
Not you! Not you!
Not me. I won't be responsible
for standing between them--

Didn't you ever have...
...a dream, Ollie?
I'm living it, Harv.
Oh, fuck it.
We did win the Pantheon though,
didn't we?

See you around the old nursing homes.
Courtney, let's go.
No. I'm gonna stay here.

Perfect. Stay here.
And get butt-fucked by
twelve Neanderthals. Bitch!
