At First Sight

I saw that article on Dr Aaron
and I called him.

- He's willing to see Virgil.
- Bye, Jennie.

In fact, he's anxious to see him.
But when I told Virgil
he acted as if I was trying to...

What don't you understand?
Well, if I had spent
nearly all my life blind,

and there was the remotest possibility
that I could regain my sight,

I would be all over that.
When there's something
you've adapted to,

you'd change it
without knowing the consequences?

We're very happy here, Amy.
Virgil has everything he needs.

Everything that he needs?
Does he need to go through life blind
if there's a possibility that he could see?

I would give him my eyes
if it would help him see. But it won't.

I learned a long time ago
to stop believing in miracles.

- I see where you're coming from.
- Yes, you do. And Virgil doesn't.

Why can't you accept that?
He spent his first eight years
having his eyes probed, pierced,
prodded, poked at by doctors,

faith healers, spiritualists, medicine men.
My father lined them up outside the door.
It hurt and disappointed all of us.

And it almost killed him.
He doesn't need to go through that again.
So, now maybe you understand.
He gets it out to...
No, no, no!
I can't believe you guys
are doing this to me!

I can kick better than you guys!
What? Virgil!
Hi, Amy. Just a... Ranger game.
- Are they losing?
- Well, no, I'd, uh,

prefer to think of it as not winning.
- Hi.
- Hi.

Do you want to, uh, come in?
