Bad ma ra khahad bord

I see it...
What a big tree! Look at it.
He was right.
Jahan, take a Iook.
Too Iate now, you'II have to Iook up
through the roof

but you won't see it.
Or through the rear window if
you're brave enough to turn round.

It's so big!
We've passed the singIe tree.
And Ioads of others.
Two more up there. It's beautifuI!
I said we're reaching
two singIe trees.

It wouId heIp
if we couId ask someone.

Don't worry, we'II find someone.
We can ask them.
SIow down a bit.
- We may not find anyone.
- We wiII.

This is farmIand,
they're out working.

We have to ask.
Don't worry, we'II find someone.
I can see a bIack spot
in the distance.

Over there. He can't hear us.
Wait, I'II go and ask him.
Ask that one.
Ask her.
HeIIo, ma'am.
HeIIo, I'm honoured.
How do we get to Siah Dareh?
200 yards after the junction,
turn Ieft.

Thank you. Good-bye.
Look, it's behind the hiII.
Wait tiII we pass that tree.
Look into the distance.

On the hiII.
- Siah Dareh's over there?
- Yes, that's it.

It says:
''At the foot of the mountain.''

HeIIo, why are you Iate?
- Why are you Iate?
- You've been waiting for us?
