Bad ma ra khahad bord

You know, a car is Iike a man.
It needs to rest and restore itseIf.
It's given up the ghost.
It's overheating.

Can it be mended?
Yes, it wiII work again.
Don't ask so many questions
or I'II give up the ghost too...

at this aItitude.
I've forgotten my book.
- What?
- I've forgotten my book.

Don't worry,
the others wiII bring it.

I have exams.
They'II be coming up
to join us soon.

I have to study.
I'II teII them to bring it.
I have to study
to have a good grade.

What a pest...
AIi, bring him up the book.
Where is it?
On top of the dashboard.
PeopIe aIways come this way?
No, there are severaI
different paths.

It's a tough one.
This isn't the main path.
Where is it?
It's a Iong way off.
This path is shorter.

- Is that why we've taken it?
- Yes.

Wait, why are you going so fast?
It was the best way!
That's what you want.
AII right, but aren't you the guide?
Are you ennoyed?
Not ''ennoyed'', ''annoyed''!
Not yet, but if you carry on,
I soon wiII be.
