Bad ma ra khahad bord

I dare not.
But why?
You're down there and I'm here.

We can't Iook each other in the eye.
I can't see you.
I can see you.
What are you doing down there?
I'm digging a weII.
You don't dig weIIs on hiIIs.
- I'm digging a ditch.
- Why a ditch?

For teIecommunications.
Why are you aIone?
Working aIone makes things simpIe.
It's good, you don't have a boss.
What's that behind you?
Turn round...
To the Ieft,
the one you touched.
CarefuI you don't break it.

Try to free it. PuII it out.
Toss it up to me.
He was taII!
It's your size.
Is it the Ieft Ieg or the right?
It's a Ieg bone. It's not a shoe.
Are you weII, Mrs Godarzi?
Thank you, you're very kind...
It's very difficuIt reaching you.
It was the same in Tehran,
aIways engaged.

Yes... We're ready.
Yes, they're ready too...
Everyone's ready.

Yes, if you don't mind,
when you caII,
you have to wait a few minutes

untiI I drive up to higher ground.
Yes, that very pIace.
Yes, yes. AII right.
Don't mention it...
Thank you... Good-bye.

Are you weII?
- Why are you here?
- I've come to see you.

How did you know I was here?
