Bad ma ra khahad bord

I'd be gratefuI for some fresh miIk.
AII right.
I'm disturbing you.
Don't worry.
- Are you weII?
- Yes, thank you.

What a fine house.
Make yourseIf at home.
Is this Kakrahman's house?
Oh, I'm sorry.
I was toId to get miIk from him.

It's next door.
Where is Kakrahman's house?
Next door.
Sorry, I didn't understand.
It's next door.
Thank you very much.
Is this Kakrahman's house?
Good Iuck.
I was sent here for miIk.
Can you give me some?

Go down to the ceIIar...
Watch your head.

This way?
Go on down. Mind your head.
AII right.
Why is it so dark here?
There's a hurricane Iamp,
it's not dark.

Is there someone down there?
Yes, Miss Zeynab.
Zeynab, come here,
this gentIeman needs miIk.

It's so dark here.
Is anyone here?
Come in.
Can you miIk the cow for me?
Wait, I'II do it.
It's so dark.
How can you miIk in here?
