Bad ma ra khahad bord

Take the wheeI.
Give my coIIeagues the keys.
Don't forget.

WiII he make it, doctor?
Yes, he just needed oxygen.
A jab and a respirator
wiII put him right.

We've sent him to town.
Oxygen wiII save him.

- Where are you going?
- Down there.

There's a sick woman.
Perhaps you couId see her.

AII right.
- Do you mind?
- No, no probIem.

It's a miracIe he survived.
He was Iucky.
The stone got stuck
before it struck his head.
Then some stones gave way.
He was trapped,
as if he was in a tiny ceII.
He needed oxygen.
If he gets oxygen,
he'II puII through aII right.
He was covered in dirt.
''lf my guardian angel
is the ne l knw,

''he'll prtect glass frm stne.''
Yes, that's a fine poem.
So the ''gIass'' remained intact?
Yes, it remained intact.
