Bad ma ra khahad bord

You Ieft the baby!
I went to fetch you some miIk.
You haven't seen my coIIeagues?
No. I onIy saw them this morning.
This morning.
And this afternoon?
- Did they have the gear?
- No, they had nothing.

I've prescribed her some piIIs.
Give them to her
to ease the pain.
We don't have a car
to get to the chemist's.

Give her medicine.
There's none Ieft.
What's the matter?
It's her prescription.
The invaIid's.
The oId woman? I'II fetch it.
Can you drop me off?
Yes, of course.
Good-bye. Drive safeIy.
I'm Iike a generaI without an army.
Where do you want to go?
I'm going to the hospitaI.
Are you worried about your car
or about the victim?

What do you think?
I think that before we get there,
the victim wiII be up and gone.
