Beresina oder Die letzten Tage der Schweiz

After the Battle of Marignano
in 1513, 15... 1515.

- How d'you know that?
- From the warriors in the museum.

You go to the National Museum?
A Swiss woman has to know
all about her country.

In 1513, the Swiss Confederates were
at the height of their power.
In the battle of Marignano, however,
they succumbed to the superior forces
of the French and Venetians.

This defeat led
to the Swiss Confederates' withdrawal

from the international scene
and to their stopping
their expansionist policy...

Close up the fence!
...and to declaring their neutrality.
But Swiss mercenaries continued
throughout the following centuries

to serve in foreign armies,
often on both sides at the same time!
My dear little Swiss girl!
And in 1812,
when Napoleon's defeated army

crossed the freezing Berezina,
it was Swiss mercenaries who sang:

Courage, courage,
Brothers dear,
Banish worry, banish fear.

Soon will come another day
And the sun be on its way.

That was the spirit that inspired us
when we formed the Cobra group.

The spirit of Berezina.
