Beresina oder Die letzten Tage der Schweiz

Last weekend, the general
took me on a tour of Switzerland.

It was wonderful!
He really knows a lot
about the country.

It's certainly a small country,
but when you know its history

it's the greatest country in the world.
And just imagine. The people here
already take me for a Swiss citizen.

This general took me
to the very heart of his country.

Now we come to the grandest part
of Swiss history.

Tell's Platte.
This is where it all started.

Now I know all about the brave men
who rose up against tyranny
without regard for their own lives.
So much heroism!
So much readiness for sacrifice.

Here, this is the historical place.
It was just like in that painting.

The tyrant Gessler's ship has arrived,
and Tell jumps out and escapes...
No. Ouch! No, it's all right.
The general showed me other things,

I mustn't tell a living soul.
Raise your right hand.
Repeat after me.
I swear.
So help me God.
