Big Daddy

:52:01 l figured he could borrow mine.

He must be miserable
without you right now.

No, he's in good hands.
Look at Brad's body.
Not an ounce of fat on it.

-Don't worry. l like yours better.

l got two queens, two jacks
and an ace.

-l win.
-Why do you win?

l got a two, a four, a ten,
an eight and a six.

l don't understand.
Why do you win?

-Because l win.
-What's the name of that game?

l win.
l'll get it!
-What's up?
-l'm looking for Kevin Gerrity.

He's in China. Who are you?
Arthur Brooks, New York City
Social Services. l'm confused.

Chinatown. He loves those egg rolls.
l've tried contacting him several times
and he hasn't responded.

l'm concerned.
lxnay on the ketchupnay.
-Have him call me.
-All right.

My body's definitely better than his.
Without question.
lt took you a long time to pencil me in.
You work all the time.

l know. l'm excited.
You're excited.
How long you been this crazy?

l guess ever since
l was a little girl.

See, my mom got married really young
and pretty much just raised us kids.

So when my dad took off...
...she wasn't left
with a lot of options.

And l think that's when l decided...
...that l never wanted to end up
in that situation.

That's actually a good reason
to be working.

l guess l feel like l gotta kick ass
while there's ass to be kicked.

You kick that ass during the day,
but at night you have fun with Sonny.

The Best of Times
Are when I'm alone with you
Some rain, some shine
