Blue Streak

l apologize. You're her cousin!
Can l buy you some cereal?
lt's okay, Shawna.
There you are. Just hot!
Baby, you are....
You look beautiful.
You are beautiful. And that's
not two years of prison talking.

Baby, it must've been hard
in there for you.

All alone at night in your little cot.
Tell me something, Miles.
Did you think about me?
Think about you all the time.
Think about you right now.
Then you should've thought about that
before you robbed people!

l never robbed you!
I'm a rehabilitated man!
Talk to me!
l didn't come see you for two years.
Wasn't that a sign?

You couldn't stand
to see your man like that.

You're not my man. You lie.
You told me you were a banker.

Bank robber. Yeah, see,
sometime l stutter.

But I'm getting that whole
speech impediment thing--

You are a very smart man, but the entire
time we spent together was one big lie.

Look, Janiece. Listen to me, okay?
l know l lied about some things,
but l can change.

l don't think so.
Don't do me like this!
