Bringing Out the Dead

Can you walk?
Puedes caminar?

- She say she in great pain.
- Thank-Thank you.

Thank you for the translation.
What's your name?

- Nombre? Let's have a look.
- Maria! Maria!

[Couple Speaking Spanish]
You two know each other a long time?
Yeah, two years,
ever since we left the island.

This is a personal question,
but I gotta ask it.

- In all that time, you never had sex?
- No, never.

Maybe you had a couple of beers.
You know how it works, son.

- No cigarettes, no drugs, no beer.
- No underwear?

- We're virgins!
- Oh, Jesus. Call for backup!

- It's coming. Hold her down.
- My God! What the hell is that?

- It's three legs. Backup!
- That's too many!

- [Marcus] They're comin'!
- Is she dying?

- She's having a baby. Twins.
- That's imposible.

It's possible! It's possible!
She's having a baby, okay?

[Panting] It's a miracle.
[Labored Breathing]
Contractions stopped.
Help me get her out of here.

Ow! Hold it, hold it, hold it.
- My back. Hold it.
- [Woman Screams]

- [Screaming, Sobbing]
- All right, let's just put her down.

Put her over here.
Let's just put her down.

- You take the first one.
- [Screaming Intensifies]

[Baby Crying]
It's a boy, Frank. He looks good.
How's yours?
Open the door!
She had a pulse!
[Constance] Code! Code blue!
[Man Over P.A., Indistinct]
- We're set up in Two.
- Jesus Christ. Get her on the monitor.

- Where's the pediatric cart?
- It's right here.

- Give me the blade. How many months?
- Can't tell.

- It was a breech. The other seems okay.
- Step back, Frank.

Marcus is taking him
and the mother to Maternity.

I'm a mother!
I got a daughter! I got rights!

- [Hazmat] Stop compression.
- Give her some Valium!

- Ten mil, stat!
- Flatline. Let's start C.P.R.

- Starting.
- Status?
