Chaverim Shel Yana, Ha-

229458, please leave a message
after the beep.

Hello! Eli!
Eli... Are you there?

Pick up the phone!
l know you're there.

I'll be right back. -O. K., I
just wanted to tell... Eli?

Eli? -What? No, no,
l can't talk right now.

l can't talk now. I'll talk
to you later. Not now.

O. K., you can take
the suitcase to check-in.

You need to buy a ticket
for the dog, and get him a cage

She has to fly in cargo.

-Sorry, those are the rules.
Dogs go with the cargo.

She's too big to travel
with the passengers. -But...

But when I came to Israel,
she sat with me.

l guess she was smaller then.
Now she must go cargo.

For now she can't get on
with the passengers.

She has to go with the cargo.
But I have no money to buy
her a ticket. -Sorry, ma'am,

You can talk to the supervisor.
l can't let the dog on.

Look at her, she's so small.
