Crna macka, beli macor

I've got it on paper.
I'll show you the fax.
Don't come back without a wife.
Are you up to something again?
Laugh, damnit.
I received an urgent fax.
Everything's in there.

All the details.
Come here.
Goose, over... Reply.
Look, uncle Grga.
Everything's in the fax.
We invest 70.000 marks...
What, boss?
Goose, the labourers can go.
And you too.

All right, boss.
Let's have a break.
I want to loan 70.000 and within a
week I'll return you 100.000.

Did you see that?
I see it, uncle Grga.
You sure have a lot of money.
I'm only doing this for your father.
You won't have to pay me back...
...but I do want a full report
of your lucrative deal.

If not I'll send my grandsons
to skin you alive.
