Detroit Rock City

Will you guys
quit the mom bashing?

Lex's mom is cool because she
lets us spend the night...

and if it wasn't
for your mom, Trip...

we wouldn't have smoked
that fine Panama Red last night.

So leave the women
who gave you life out of it.

They're both cool.
Let's go.
-Trip, you asshole!

You spilled the bong water
all over the bed.

Come on.
Jeremiah, it's time to go.

What are you doing?
Just, uh, whew!
Getting a little sunshine.
You're gonna be late
if you don't change soon.

What's wrong with the clothes
I wore last night?

It's dirty laundry,
for one thing.

And you still haven't tried on
the clothes I bought you.

You're skating on thin ice,
so I wouldn't push my luck.

Get out of those rags.
Mom, it's--
And, besides,
those jeans are so tight...

I can see your penis.
Excuse me.
This jacket,
it stinks of B.O.

It's enough
to make a person sick.

Now, remember.
I have my church meeting...
so you'll be on
the honor system tonight.

I'll be home
a little after one.

And if you've been partying...
or playing
that satanic Kiss music...

need I remind you
of the consequences?

Grounded for the rest
of the year?

You are a smart boy.
Put these on
before they go out of style.

Come on, take it.
Man, school.
What a fuckin' waste of time.
