Double Jeopardy

I could shoot you in the middle
of Mardi Gras and they can't touch me.

As an ex-law professor,
I can assure you she is right.

Where's my son?
In St. Albans School
in Georgia, all right?

You have your son back.
You got what you want.

I haven't felt that good
in six years.

I don't want to kill you, Nick.
I just want you to suffer
like I suffered.

What she means, Nick, is,
you're going to prison...

for murder.
- Who did I supposedly murder?
- Me.

- All you've got is an old fax photo.
- Which supplies the motive.

Your wife, whom you had framed,
tracks you down...

and to keep her from exposing you,
you kill her.

You won't get away with it.
Well, I think
I've solved that problem.

- What do you mean?
- Let's say the problem has been buried.

- Really?
- She's gone, I promise you.

Taped confessions are
very persuasive in court, Nick...

and of course there is...
the physical evidence that we're gonna
put in the trunk of your car.

A shovel, hair, my fingerprints,
a little blood.

- Don't forget the gasoline.
- It'll look like you burned...

and buried my body
just like you say on the tape.

The prosecution rests.
You better get out of here.

Nobody wants a dead woman
walking around when the police...

are trying to arrest a guy
for her murder.

Wait a minute.
I'll take that gun.
