Drop Dead Gorgeous

I know you sacrificed

relationships, dreams...
your tummy, ass, and thighs...
all to bring me
into this world...

all so I could have tap lessons
and be in the pageant...

the same one you were in,
but you know what?

I'm quitting.
There. Easy as pie.
Oh, my God. I am so dead.
Yeah, you betcha.
Go on, get out!
Next one in here without a pack
of Luckys in her hand dies!

Yeah, sure.
You have a super day, too.

Get out!
Mom, look. Don't talk.
First of all,
I'm not pregnant, OK?

I am not letting go
until you tell me what's up.

Amber, I am reaching a point
where I would kill someone...

for the nicotine
under their fingernails.

You hear me, Loretta?
OK, OK...
yesterday I got this picture...
so I'm thinking about...
you know...
I'm gonna quit the pageant.
Oh, excuse us, guys.
Would you excuse us
for a moment?

Loretta, get out of here!
Go on, get out.

What's your problem?
What's my problem?
Sit your skinny little ass down.

Nice, Ma. Real nice.
Nice mouth you got there...
but I'm not going
through this again.

You? You're not
going through it again?

You're not the one that knows
how Jiffy Pop feels, missy.

Oh, come on, Mom.
First the picture of Tammy, then
Brett Clemmens, and now this?

It's scary.
Let me tell you scary.

Look here. Look at me.
You want to look
like you've been rode hard...

and put away wet
when you're my age?

I'm a lifer here.
Best thing
I got to look forward to...

is to end up
in some decent raisin ranch...

where they change me
twice a day.

Honest to God, honey.
If I had it to do over...
I'd start walking
out of this town...

the minute I could take
my first step.

You know, practically...
the only thing I wouldn't do
different is have you.
