
- Hi.
- Hey.

- Thanks for lettin' me up.
- Sure.

Hey, Shari.
- I'm gonna go to bed. Good night.
- Did I miss anything?

Good night.
Hi, Mom.
Ray feels...
Don't defend
that horse's ass to me!

I'm not. I'm not
defending him, Shari.

I'm just sayin',
maybe this is a good thing.

He got it out of his system, right?
He knows is not worth it.
- So one day if you two
decide to get married...
- Ha!

I've got news for you.
I never intended to marry him.
Well, for one thing...
he's a bad lay.
I mean bad!
You tell him!
Ah, you know thas terrible.
Oh, shit.
Hey, Shari...
You happy now, Ray?
Listen, I think you're pissed-off
at him, and you're hurt.

And you're trying
to get back at Ray.

Don't you think?
Yep, you're right. Is me.
Is me! Is always me!
L... I go out with
all different kinds of guys,

and the same thing
keeps happening!

Look. You know what?
See these magazines?

I take these quizzes.
''How Are You At Relationships? ''

I cheat, okay?
I look in the back for the answers.

Rita says men suck
and they should all die.
