
- Is he around?
- I'm on television!

Ray was here, but he left when
he saw you were comin' over.

- Shit.
- That was some night last night, huh?

Yeah, it damn sure was, Al.
All right, how about Mom?
Is she around?

She's here in the bedroom.
I'd yell for her, but I'd die.

Don't do that. Mom!
I'm here, darlin'. No need to shout.
Thas not how you were brought up.

Mom, what are you doin'.
Hello, everybody.
Welcome to my home.

- Blanche DuBois lives.
- Mom, Mom.

I'm looking for Ray. I've been calling
him. He won't call me back.

How could you do something like that?
Your own brother's girlfriend.

Is not all my fault.
He cheated on her.

- It was a mistake.
- Yes, it was a mistake.
Do you know where he is?

No. Maybe he's watching.
Tell him you're sorry. Tell him you
will stay away from that girl.

No, Ma! And that girl
has a name, okay?

What, do you love her
or something?

- Come on, Al.
- Look at that red face.

I had a car that color.
A Buick!

Aren't you excited?
- He practically said
he loved you on television!
- I know.

Hi, girls. Hi.
Take my picture.
Here, take my picture.

I gotta go to work.
You understand that?

I am really gonna
get hurt this time.

Here we go, girls.
I'm goin' to work. Bye.

Yeah, Doc,
I stopped payment on the plugs.

You gave me doll hair!
I'll hold.
- Okay, now I'll tell you something else.
- Yeah.

- The old guy in the wheelchair,
the stepfather?
- Yeah.

They're gonna have him die.
That was Whitaker on the phone.
I'm gonna have to scrub my ass
because he's on his way over to kiss it.
