
Tracy, come on in.
Close the door behind you.
Have a seat.
You know why you're here.
If it's about the posters,
I think it's a travesty.

A travesty?. That's interesting ...
because I think you did it.

Are you accusing me?
We've worked together
for three solid years.

My own banner was torn down, too.
Were you in the Looking Glass
office over the weekend?

I was. Mr Pecharda let me in.
With my many responsibilities
I have to come in on the weekend.

- I left early, around 6:30.
- 6:30?

How do you know what time
the posters were torn down?

I don't,
but they were there when I left.

I'm giving you helpful information.
We should be trying to figure out
who did this.

Okay, who do you think did it?
Whom should we interrogate?

It could have been any of the
subversive elements at Carver.

Like Rick Thieson
and those burn-outs.

What about Tammy Metzler?.
She's anti this and anti that.

You're a very intelligent girl,
with a lot of admirable qualities.
