Extension du domaine de la lutte

except watch movies and buy CDs.
If he'd had any children,
something might have come
from the swarm of baby Bernards,

but no,
he wasn't even married.
Dried fruit.
But I didn't really pity him.
Good old, dear old Bernard.
I dare say he was happy
to his own, limited extent,
on a Bernardian scale.
It's strange.
There's a bad smell in my house,

on the stairs.
Probably a dead rat!
Bad odours
make good talking points,

I'd already noticed.
I always felt a bit nervous
about meeting new clients.

There'd be human beings,
arranged in a certain order,
with whom I'd have to interact.
Tomorrow, okay.
No problem.
I can be there at 7.

I get off at 6.
I can make it by 7.
Just a sec...
Room 317, please.
2nd floor, turn right.
The stairs are behind you.
Experience soon taught me
that the people I had to meet
were, if not exactly identical,
very similar in their habits,
opinions, tastes

and basic attitudes to life.
